Welcome to LIGHT!

Welcome to the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, Games, and HCI Techniques!

We are a Computer Science research laboratory within the Computer Science Department of the University of New Orleans. We value resesarching a range of topics connected to games and other playable and computational media. These topics include, but are by no means limited to, artificial intelligence, interactive storytelling, procedural content generation, authorial mixed-initiative tools, games for health, and many more.

In addition to researching these topics, we also highly value evaluating this research through the development of actual, released, playable experiences. Consider it a form of "in vivo" testing, if you will! You can't truly know the impact your research is having on people until it is incorporated into something that folks actually have access to! And although research projects always have some uncertainty to them, we're proud to say we've produced some award winning projects.

We also care deeply about teaching students about these topics, through courses, student organizations, and through student research opportunities at the PhD, Masters, and undergraduate levels. Our lab is always looking for hardworking, curious folks to join us, so if you are intrigued by what you're seeing, feel free to contact the lab director at bsamuel at cs dot uno dot edu and see if there's any way to get involved!

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